
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tombstone Tuesday - Jacob and Rebecca Anne Golding

Tombstone Tuesday, falls in nicely with yesterday's blog on Jacob Golding.  Recently I was searching blogs and came across a blog "Carol's Headstone Photographs" a wonderful blog where Carol posts lists of photos that she has taken of tombstones from Victorian cemeteries. 

Imagine my delight when I saw Jacob and Rebecca Golding on her list for the Kaniva cemetry.  I sent her a quick email asking if it was possible to get a copy of the photo and within half an hour I had received a responding email with the photo attached.  The wonders of modern communication!!!  I checked with her if she minded if I used the photo and her response was "they are your relatives!! do with it what you want".

So today for my Tombstone Tuesday post I am sharing this picture of Jacob and Rebecca Golding's tombstone .


  1. How wonderful for you that Carol sent you this photo!

    By the way, I just wanted to let you know that your blog is listed on my Fab Finds post today at

    Have a great weekend!

  2. What a beautiful headstone! I too get amazed by the powers of modern communication. We are so blessed to live in these times.

  3. yes, wonderful for family tree researchers :)
