
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taking on the ‘Family History Through the Alphabet’ Challenge!!

Over the past couple of months as I have been flicking from one genealogy blog to another, reading the wonderful stories and viewing the beautiful old pictures than the many genealogy bloggers share with us I have noticed the number of bloggers who were taking the Family History Through the Alphabet Challenge.

Now from the abundance of bloggers who have already taken on this challenge I am guessing that I am a little behind the "8 Ball" but not to worry better late than never.  I haven't given this a lot of thought as yet but think I will make Friday my Alphabet Challenge Day.  So stay tuned for my Friday's Family History Through the Alphabet stories!!!   ouch that is a mouthful!

A is for???? what will I write about?   Asylums, Ancestry, Archives, Adoption??  As I google "A"  I have found a number of great blogs which include:  A is for Assembly: "The Angels were singing", A is for Archives, and Ancestry.  Well I have a week to come up with something interesting.  Stay tuned. 


  1. Looking forward to your alphabet posts. It's certainly an interesting challenge.

  2. I will look forward to reading your Alphabet posts, Diane. I managed to do A to J before life's complications made me turn my attention elsewhere. I already have lots of ideas for family history K to Z, so in 2013 I will pick up where I left off.

  3. Go for it, Diane. I'll be reading with interest.

  4. My first one is up. A is for Apps
