In my last post "Amanuensis Monday - The Tantulean Tragedy - Murder Theory", I shared an article that I transcribed in the early 1980’s about the Mystery surrounding the murder
of my great grand uncle Ralph Shepherd. I came across this article by
accident when researching the family tree in
the Braidwood Museum and Historical Society.
Was he murdered? What
was his story? Why was he living alone? Time to do some digging, and
thanks to TROVE, I found numerous references to Ralph’s murder. It
seems that his death was reported widely in the
newspapers of that time. I found references to the his death in papers
from, Goulburn, Adelaide, Sydney, Broken Hill, Cairns, Lismore and
So what was Ralph Shepherd’s story? He was born
in 1876, the youngest son of Lynn Shepherd II and Harriet Webb, a pioneering couple who had
lived in the area since their marriage at Araluen in 1855. His father,
Lynn, was a farmer and carrier, and the family
had lived on a number of properties in the region. Their final years
were at Tantulean about a mile and a half from Mongarlowe in the
Braidwood district. After the death of his parents, Ralph inherited the family homestead and 90 acres of land that
went with it. “Old Ralph” was an invalid pensioner and had lived on
his own since his mother passed away in 1917. It was reported that he
was a bit of a loner and eccentric in his ways He was well known in the
district and without any known enemies. Though living alone, he still
visited family members, including frequent visits (a six mile walk) to
his sister Sophia Higgs for dinner on Sundays.
Suspicions were aroused when he was found
after fire had destroyed the old family homestead. His body was discovered the
next day, headless and with the limbs extensively burnt. Dr Harris the
Braidwood medical practitioner who examined
the body, describes the damage caused by the intensity of the fire, “I
saw the remains of a body which had been destroyed by fire. The arms
and legs were quite burnt, nothing remaining but bone dust and ends of
bones. The skull was disconnected from the
body and consisted of four pieces, which I examined for signs of
injury, of which there were none. The body consisted of a charred mass.”
The police had been informed that Ralph was in possession of a considerable sum of money in notes, as well as a purse with
change from purchases he had made in town on the day of his death. The
fact that this money hadn’t been found meant
the case was looked on as being one of murder and robbery. Rumours were
flying thick and fast,“parts of the old man’s braces were found
lying near his remains, indicating that he was clothed when the fire
began to consume him. It was also rumoured that
no sign of any metal such as would come from the remains of his purse
were located near him. These reports further confirm the belief that
Shepherd was murdered.".
Even though the local constabulary
had reported that the fire that had caused Shepherds
death was an accident, caused by a candle being knocked down and
igniting the papers and books near his bed, the locals were not
convinced. “Though the report has one out that the cause of the fire
and of the death of Shepherd was accidental death, the
fact remains that Detective Sergeant Keogh is still investigating, and
it would not create surprise if in the course of the next few days some
startling and sensational developments took place.”
However the rumours were laid to rest following
the Coroner’s Inquest and although the police could not determine the
exact circumstances surrounding his demise. After examination of the
scene of the fire, and the discovery of the missing
change, they discarded the original belief that he had been murdered.
Instead they believed his death was the result of an accident, possibly
he had been reading with a candle beside the bed and gone to sleep. The
candle flames had come into contact with
paper on the wall or rending material and setting the house on fire.
This conclusion is supported by the fact that the homestead was old and
in a bad state of repair. One newspaper article reports “
The paper was cracked between the slabs on the wall and the paper was
torn, The ceiling was lined with hessian and covered with paper. The
building was one of the old type- heavily-slabbed walls and sawn timber
for flooring.”

One has to agree this is such a sad story. A
simple man, who had most probably been cared and looked after by his
mother until her death. He was then left to live and cope on his own. Though he
seemed to have an established routine within
his community, with visits to the local stores and weekend visits and
dinner at his sister’s house, it was a very solitary existence.
Certainly, his death was a tragedy in a time where there was little support for those living on their own.
1. 1933 'ACCIDENTAL DEATH.', Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881
- 1940), 17 February, p. 3 Edition: DAILY and EVENING, viewed 16
January, 2014,
2. 1933 'MAN BURNT IN FIERCE FIRE.', News (Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954), 11 February, p. 1, viewed 16 January, 2014,
3. 1933 'CHARRED REMAINS.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 13 February, p. 9, viewed 16 January, 2014,
4. 1933 'FOUL PLAY NOT SUSPECTED.', Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), 13 February, p. 4, viewed 16 January, 2014,
5. 1933 'INCINERATED.', Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), 13 February, p. 7, viewed 16 January, 2014,
6. 1933 'The Tantulean Tragedy.', The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888 - 1954), 17 February, p. 3, viewed 16 January, 2014,
7. 1933 'TRAGIC BURNING FATALITY.', The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888 - 1954), 10 February, p. 2, viewed 16 January, 2014,
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