Thursday, July 10, 2014

Follow Friday - An accumulation of my weekly research - Facial Recognition for Genealogy

This week in my monthly post on World Wide Genealogy Collaboration I delved into the topic of Facial Recognition programs, "Geneology CSI Style - Facial Recognition" and how they can be used in identifying those unknown faces in your old family photos. As a user of these programs  I am still wearing my “L” plates and will wait until I have had more time to become more experienced in using the “Facial Recognition” software before I give my verdict on its usefulness.

As a summary of this week’s research I thought I would share with you some of the useful blogs and articles that I have discovered this week and would be very interested to hear back from other family researchers on their experiences with “facial recognition” programs.


Steele, J. 2013, Face to Face: Analysis and Comparison ofFacial Features to Authenticate Identities of People in Photographs, Joelle Steele Enterprises.  (this is on my shopping list).

 Brennan, M.J. 2009, “Oz Family Finder, Facial Recognition Software (FRS): Family History’s Latest Tech-Tool”, Viewed 5/7/14.

Rasmus, E, 2012, “Improving Face Recognition with Genealogical and Contextual Data”, Honours Thesis,, viewed 10/07/14.

Rasmus, R.  and Green, E., “ Improving Facial Recognition with Genealogical and Contextual Data”, Proceedings for the 27th Conference on Image and Vision Computing, New Zealand,, Viewed 3/7/14

Shao, Xia and Fu, “Genealogical Face Recognition based on UB KinFace Database”, Viewed 10/7/14
Steele, J.,“Using Facial Features to identify people in photographs, Who’s who in your family Photos”, viewed 2/7/14

Ancestor Search Blog,”How Google Picasa Face Recognition Software can help Genealogists”, Viewed 2/7/14.

Christoph Bartneck, 2008, University of Canterbury, HIT Lab NZ, “Recognising and Identifying People in Family Picture”, Viewed 2/7/14.

Creative Gene, Using Facial Recognition Software in Photo Identification, viewed 11/07/14.

Family Search, I have seen that Face Somewhere Before 2/7/14.

Genealogy’s Star, “A look at the Third Place Developer Challenge winner, Photo Face Match”, Viewed 5/7/14.

Geneapprentice, “ Facial Recognition Software- A helpful Genealogy Too”l, Viewed 3/7/14

Social Media and Genealogy, “Picasa Face-recognition scan conclusions”,

The Ancestry Insider, “Facial Recognition”, Viewed 3/7/14


  1. Thanks for this post, Diane. I wrote a post a week or two ago about trying to identify a photo of my ancestor at a younger age (which of several) based on a photo of her at an older age. I was hoping Picasa would help. I think if I had more than one photo of her, it might have, but with only one photo at an older age, it hasn't been able to choose which of the women at a younger age might be her. I'll check out some of the posts you recommend and see if any of them might give me more suggestions for help.

  2. Hi Nancy, I am just starting to explore the possibilities of facial recognition, as you can see from my post on The Worldwide Genealogy Collaboration,,
    Time permitting I would like to do a comparison of a couple of the programs that have facial recognition components. Very interested to hear others feedback.
